Terms & Conditions

1 Registration – Packaged stays and personalized stays


1.1. Registration for our packaged stays and personalized stays

 LES PEPITES DU SUD offers packaged or personalized stays via its website. We offer stays with “starting at” prices. These stays are a framework that you can modify, according to your budget and your desires.

 Whatever type of stay you choose (packaged or personalized stays), you must submit your quote request directly on our website, by email or by telephone with one of our teleadvisers. We generally get back to you within 24 hours, often by telephone for a first contact, and electronically thereafter to send you the quote. The quotes contain the detailed program of your trip and the final price (taxes and services included). Regarding packaged stays, we may need to adjust the components of the stay (accommodation, catering, tasting, activities, etc.) depending on the availability of service providers on the dates selected: these changes will be indicated to you in the quote sent to you.

 Quotations have a limited period of validity, beyond which the various components of the stay and the rates indicated cannot be maintained. If the period of validity of your estimate is exceeded, LES PEPITES DU SUD may establish a new estimate for your trip if certain terms, in particular tariffs, should be modified.

You can pay for your trip on our website by clicking on the payment link, within the validity period.

 Registration for a trip is considered final upon receipt by LES PEPITES DU SUD of your payment via our site. Reservation requests are only made upon receipt of the customer's financial commitment.


1.2. Pricing

 The total and final price will be fixed according to the options chosen and the dates of your trip, it will be communicated to you upon receipt of your quote.

 Only the services mentioned explicitly in the description of the trip are part of the package. Are not included in the package (unless otherwise stipulated in the description of the trip): personal expenses (tips, telephone, gifts, purchases of wine,  etc.), optional excursions and in general any service not expressly included in the description of the trip . The services offered are subject to the availability of Partners. If necessary, LES PEPITES DU SUD reserves the right to offer equivalent services.

 The steps to pay for your trip are indicated below.


1.3. Methods of payment – invoices

 For any registration made more than 35 days from the date of departure, LES PEPITES DU SUD will collect a deposit of 30% of the total amount of the stay. For any registration less than 35 days from the date of departure, payment must be made in one go and for the full amount of the trip. To pay the price of the stay you access a secure payment platform. You can pay by credit card, Visa, Carte Bleue or Mastercard. Registration for one of our trips, formalized by payment for the trip, implies acceptance of the general and special terms & conditions of sale. In accordance with article L.121-20-4 of the french consumer code, you do not benefit from a withdrawal period when ordering travel services via our site. Your reservation will be final. In the event of a problem, our staff is at your disposal.

2. Cancellations and changes

 If the customer is obliged to cancel his trip, he must inform LES PEPITES DU SUD, by registered letter with acknowledgment of receipt, as soon as the event giving rise to this cancellation occurs : this is the date of dispatch of this letter which will be used as the date of cancellation for the invoicing of the cancellation fees.


2.1. Total cancellations requested by the customer before departure (except special cases 2.4)

 Scale of total cancellation fees, except in special cases:

• more than 61 days before the departure date: 30% of the total amount of the services.

• 60 to 31 days before the departure date: 50% of the total amount of the benefits.

• from 30 days before the departure date: 100% of the total amount of the services.


2.2. Partial cancellations requested by the customer or the beneficiary before departure (except special cases 2.4)

 If one or more travelers registered on the same file cancel(s) their participation in a maintained trip, the scale of cancellation fees above will be calculated for the traveler who cancels his participation on the price of the nominative and unused services of his trip on the date of cancellation, excluding the total amount of the services (total price of the file) divided by the number of travelers or the price of the services (accommodation, vehicle rental, etc.) which will be consumed and shared by other travellers. Consequently, the fraction of the trip reimbursable by LES PEPITES DU SUD, in respect of a partial cancellation, will only relate to individualized and unused.

2.3. Changes requested by the client before departure

 Any subsequent modification to the travel reservation (concerning an itinerary, a program, a customer name, etc.) will be invoiced at €20 per person.


2.4. Special cases

 When hoteliers or local service providers impose cancellation or modification fees higher than those resulting from the conditions of LES PEPITES DU SUD described in 2.1 and 2.2, these fees are applicable to the customer. When several customers have registered on the same file and one of them cancels their trip, the cancellation fees are deducted from the sums collected by LES PEPITES DU SUD for this file, regardless of who made the payment. .

 In the event of cancellation, for any reason whatsoever, the costs outside the trip taken out with LES PEPITES DU SUD and incurred by the customer such as transport costs to the place of departure of the trip and return home, Obtaining visas, travel documents, vaccination costs cannot be reimbursed in any way.


3. Insurance

 No insurance is included in the services sold by LES PEPITES DU SUD. It is recommended that the customer take out an insurance contract covering the consequences of certain cases of cancellation and an assistance contract covering certain specific risks (in particular in the event of accident or illness). It is the client's responsibility to subscribe to such contracts with the insurance company of his choice or his banking establishment.

4. Ground services and accommodation


4.1. Services not used or modified on site by the customer

 Services sold by LES PEPITES DU SUD that are not used on site (excursions, accommodation, etc.) will not give rise to any refund. The services voluntarily modified on site are subject to the conditions of the local service providers: additional or replacement services generating an additional cost must be paid directly to the local service providers and cannot in any case engage the responsibility of LES PEPITES DU SUD. They will not give rise to any reimbursement of the unused part of the services.


4.2. Pictures and illustrations

 LES PEPITES DU SUD strives to illustrate its proposals with photos or illustrations giving a realistic overview of the services offered. It should however be noted that the photos and illustrations appearing in the description may be illustrative of the services. They are only binding on LES PEPITES DU SUD insofar as they make it possible to indicate the category or degree of standing of these services.

5. Liability


LES PEPITES DU SUD cannot be held responsible for the consequences of the following events: Loss or theft of travel documents.

 Unforeseeable and insurmountable incidents or events of a third party outside LES PEPITES DU SUD such as: wars, political unrest, pandemics, strikes outside LES PEPITES DU SUD, technical incidents outside LES PEPITES DU SUD, bad weather, delays (including delays in mail services for the transmission of travel documents), breakdowns, loss or theft of luggage or other effects. The delay or delays incurred resulting from the cases referred to above as well as any itinerary modifications that may result therefrom may not result in any compensation for any reason whatsoever, in particular due to the modification of the duration of the program initially planned. or delay in connecting. Any additional costs related to a disruption (tax, hotel, parking, etc.) will remain the responsibility of the customer.

 Cancellation imposed by circumstances of a force majeure nature and/or for reasons related to customer safety and/or by order of an administrative authority. LES PEPITES DU SUD reserves the right to modify the dates, times or planned routes if it deems that the safety of the traveler cannot be ensured and this without the latter being able to claim any compensation.

6. Complaints


Any complaint must be sent by registered letter with acknowledgment of receipt, accompanied by supporting documents, to LES PEPITES DU SUD – 23A quai d’Alsace – 11100 NARBONNE within 30 days of returning from the trip.


7. Computing and Freedoms

Your order is subject to computerized nominative processing. These data are intended for LES PEPITES DU SUD but may be transmitted to third parties, in particular service providers, and may be used for commercial prospecting purposes by the company LES PEPITES DU SUD. You have the right to access, modify, rectify and delete data concerning you by writing to LES PEPITES DU SUD – 23A Quai d'Alsace- 11100 NARBONNE or by email to contact@lespepitesdusud.wine .


8. Revision of Terms & Conditions of sale

The version of the applicable Conditions of Sale is that in force on the day of the reservation. LES PEPITES DU SUD reserves the right to modify or update the conditions of sale at any time and without notice (note that terms & conditions of sale do not have retroactive effect).


23A Quai d’Alsace, 11100 NARBONNE

Société par Action Simplifiée Unipersonnelle with capital of 7500€

Atout France - French Tour Operator Registration number : IM011210002

company registration number : RCS NARBONNE 888 847 316 - SIRET : 888 847 316 000 13

financial garantee : GROUPAMA Assurance-crédit & Caution, 8-10 rue d’Astorg, 75008 PARIS.

 Civil and professionnal liability : GROUPAMA MEDITERRANEE, ZAC de PICHAURY, 24 parc du Golf, BP 10359, 13799 AIX EN PROVENCE CEDEX 03 contrat number : 51105027/0001 (for all dammages combined up to 16 000 000 €)

Terms & Conditions update on february 4th 2022